Enabling WIFI printing and scanning on Brother MFC-L2710DW in Qubes

Download the driver from Brothers website. Select either .deb or .rpm depending on your qube distro (seems like it doesn’t matter).

Open a terminal

cd Downloads
gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-*.gz
sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer* MFC-L2710DW

Press Y, enter a few times, when asked about URI specification, press y, enter, then i, enter, then put in the IP address of your printer.

Brother URI specification
Brother URI specification

Press Y, enter a few more times and your printer should work.

If you don’t know the IP of your printer, find it like so, in a new terminal

sudo dnf install -y nmap
nmap -sT -p 631 -oG /tmp/port631 192.168.0.*
grep '631/open/tcp' /tmp/port631

If you need to scan, install xsane and/or the gimp xsane plugin (substitute dnf with apt if using debian based qube)

sudo dnf install -y xsane xsane-gimp

Last modified: Wed Jan 17 15:34:49 2024